I’m a sucker for quotes. Wherever, whenever, however I find
a quote that I like, I write it down and I have a central place in one of my
notebooks, where I write them all down.
Some people collect stamps or coins. I collect quotes.
There is nothing sweeter than when someone can distill a
very complicated or complex idea into one sentence. A good quote a day is like
a multivitamin. It helps put balance back in our hectic lives.
So, let me start this week’s topic with one of my
favourites. With one caveat, since I have collected these quotes over a period
of time, I may not always have copied it down exactly as it was originally said
(there may be some syntax error or some minor quotation discrepancy) but the
gist of the actual quote will not be tarnished.
“It is our choices…that show what we truly are, far more
than our abilities”
J.K. Rowling.
Simple truth. Often times we think we are worthless because
we can’t physically climb a mountain or afford a luxury vacation or drop those
pesky pounds we’ve gained over the holidays. But if we just look at these
scenarios through a different set of lenses, the outlook is not as dire.
Climbing a mountain:
Physical feats for the most part are challenging for me but
I can chose to train/practice to get better at it. I can join a group or even
make it part of my workout schedule (what workout schedule?? The one I’m going
to create of course!) and at the end of the day, even if I cannot climb a mountain
at least I can run up and down some serious hills.
Or, I can decide that climbing a mountain is not in my list
of top ten to-do’s, and not beat myself over it. Choosing not to do something
is still choosing.
Pick your battles. You will feel a lot better once you have
come to terms with what is really important and how you want to allocate your
Affording a luxury vacation:
This idea of affording anything be it a vacation, a fancy
bag, a bigger house or private school for the kids is always stressful. I
always feel like we whatever we’re bringing in is insufficient. Something is
always out of reach.
So instead of feeling sorry for myself maybe I approach it
this way…I can chose to save up for that big trip/purse/house/education.
Short term, medium term and long term goals and timelines
all work when it comes to affordability issues. I can go very in-depth on this
given I work in the finance world and am pretty darn good at affording things I
set my mind to.
The great thing about financial goals and timelines is that
it gets everyone in the family involved and excited about attaining that
specific goal and because you have a timeline you can also set milestones and
follow-up and have a real action plan. And primarily, when you know what you
are saving for, it is very easy to save.
And the icing on the cake here is that when you finally go
on that vacation, buy that house or enroll your child in the school of your
choice, it will be glorious.
Nothing that is worth anything comes without effort and the
more blood sweat and tears that go in, the more glorious the result. I can
write tons of this. More on it, later.
Losing weight:
Ach. Toughest thing for me by far. If only I were as
disciplined here as I am with my money. My problem is that I’m a very all or
nothing individual. I’m not very good at moderation, which is really the key to
losing pesky unnecessary fat. I know this, and yet I find myself at this
crossroads every year-end.
This time, I will make a choice to be more discerning about
what goes into my mouth and spend more time making what goes into my mouth
instead of buying it. And if I can’t make the food all the time, I will do my
best to coax my husband to make ultra healthy meals for us both! And every meal
that is a good meal is a win! I really have to work with baby steps here guys.
And of course, get myself to the gym more regularly. My
co-worker who sits beside me goes to the gym EVERYDAY! How inadequate can one
feel sitting next to him?!
I’m going to put in a sincere effort here and keep you
posted on the outcome. Wish me luck. Any suggestions different or otherwise
always welcome!
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